Axereal Group
Local and international


The Group

Who we are

Champs à renseigner


Axereal is a leading agricultural and agri-food cooperative group, present in France and internationally, collecting grain and specializing in the processing of cereals for the malt, milling and livestock markets.

Axereal collects and valorizes 4.5 million tons of grain, brings together 11,000 farmers and nearly 4,000 employees, and has a turnover of approximately 5 billion euros.

Champs à renseigner
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Who we are

Actor of the agricultural and food transition

Champs à renseigner

Our mission: to add value to the agricultural production of our region's farmers by developing sustainable and competitive industries and by creating value throughout the agri-food chain, from producers to consumers.

Our ambition: to contribute to the development of a quality food supply, by positioning ourselves as a major player in the agricultural transition.

Axereal develops its agricultural activity in the heart of one of the major European cereal-producing regions. The territory covers 16 departments. 

Group locations

Champs à renseigner

The Group model

Champs à renseigner

Firmly set on the path towards sustainable growth, Axereal is more committed than ever to serve its farmers, its customers and consumers.

Despite the numerous disruptions we have faced over the past year (due to the coronavirus crisis and challenging weather), the cooperative model continues to demonstrate its relevance.


Champs à renseigner

Our video annual report presents the Group's strategy (in English)


Download the Axéréal Group leaflet: HERE